I love space, the space program, astronomy, and all things associated with said things. I have no industry knowledge (other than what I read online), but I do have an opinion. I love discussing things with people, and I hope that this can be an outlet where we can share thoughts and ideas. Agreement might not always be the order of the day - and, quite honestly, that's when the best conversation can occur - but if you're here, I can only assume we ultimately want the same thing: a thriving and robust space program.
Outside the Michoud Assembly Facility |
I fondly recall having a heated discussion with my preschool teacher (yes - I was that type of student) that the contrails seen overhead when on the playground was from Enterprise on its way to landing in Florida. Never mind the fact that I lived several hundred miles north of KSC...and that the ALTs were occurring in California - I *knew* that was Enterprise. I must've been so passionate and persuasive (or the teacher was humoring me...wait - they wouldn't do that...would they?) that the teacher would acquiesce to the point of saying that I might be right. Win!
I gobbled up every bit of space info that I would come across, much to the annoyance of many around me (some would say that part of me hasn't changed)...but I had parents that supported my interests. When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would instantly say: "An astronaut!". I'm still waiting to grow up so I can make that dream come true.
If a launch was scheduled for a school day, I would lobby to get my parents to allow me to stay home (I don't think I was ever successful)...or ask the teacher to wheel in a TV so we could watch it in class. I remember the elation I'd feel when I'd see Columbia or Challenger (and, later, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour) ascend on a pillar of fire and smoke on their way to orbit. I still feel a deep pain at the losses we've incurred during our nascent steps off Earth. Though I've had no direct involvement (other than being a taxpayer), I feel a strong connection to the space program. It's a part of me.
I know there are many more like me out there, and I'm glad to have connected with some of you at the NASA Social at Michoud and Stennis. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.